Arthonia anjutii S.Y.Kondr. & Alstrup , legitimate, scientific
Kondratyuk (1996), Botany and Mycology for the Next Millennium: 311 [tax. nov.]
Kondratyuk, S.Y. (1996), Four new species of lichenicolous fungi. In S.P.Wasser (ed.): Botany and Mycology for the Next Millennium: Collection of Scientific Articles Devoted to the 70th Anniversary of Academician K. M. Sytnik: 309-315: - [secondary reference]
P.McCarthy (Comp.) (2016), Checklist of Australian Lichenicolous Fungi: - ALC [secondary reference]
  • ALC Dist.: Vic
  • Lichen endemic in AU flag: Y
  • Lichen host text: Teloschistes velifer f. nodulosus (Kondratyuk, 1996)
  • Lichen tag: lichenicolous fungi
  • Lichen type locality in AU flag: Y