Arthonia intexta Almq. , legitimate, scientific
Almq. (1880), Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar 17(6): 60 [tax. nov.]
Coppins, B.J. & Aptroot, A. (2009), Arthonia Ach. (1806). Lichens of Great Britain & Ireland: 153-171 [secondary reference]
Kantvilas, G. & Wedin, M. (2015), Lichenicolous species of the Ascomycete genus Arthonia Ach. from Kangaroo Island. Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens 29: 1-6 [secondary reference]
P.McCarthy (Comp.) (2016), Checklist of Australian Lichenicolous Fungi: - ALC [secondary reference]
  • ALC Dist.: SA, Aust., Extra-Aust.
  • Lichen host text: Lecidella sp. (Coppins & Aptroot, 2009); Lecidella sublapicida (Kantvilas & Wedin, 2015)
  • Lichen tag: lichenicolous fungi