
Changes to ALC in Daily edits lichen

Added (1)

Removed (11)

Updated by rlawrence 2018-10-09 11:45:42.472
ALC Dist.
Qld, NSW, NI 
Updated by rlawrence 2018-10-09 11:46:05.202
Diorygma circumfusum (Stirt.) Kalb, Staiger & Elix, legitimate P.McCarthy (Comp.) (2016), Checklist of the Lichens of Australia and its Island Territories Graphis circumfusa Stirt., legitimate (1881) nomenclatural synonymGraphis innata C.Knight, legitimate (1889) taxonomic synonymGraphis baileyana Müll.Arg., legitimate (1893) taxonomic synonym
ALC Dist.
Qld, NSW 
Updated by rlawrence 2018-10-09 11:55:55.977
Diorygma erythrellum (Mont. & Bosch.) Kalb, Staiger & Elix, legitimate P.McCarthy (Comp.) (2016), Checklist of the Lichens of Australia and its Island Territories Graphina erythrella (Mont. & Bosch) Zahlbr., legitimate (1924) nomenclatural synonymGraphina rubens Müll.Arg., legitimate (1882) taxonomic synonymGraphina atramontana A.W.Archer, legitimate (2001) taxonomic synonymGraphina incisa A.W.Archer, legitimate (2001) taxonomic synonym
ALC Dist.
ChI, Qld, Extra-Aust. 
ALC Dist.
Qld, NSW, NI, Extra-Aust. 
ALC Dist.
Qld, Extra-Aust. 
Updated by rlawrence 2018-10-09 11:58:48.749
ALC Dist.
NT, Qld, Extra-Aust. 
Updated by rlawrence 2018-10-04 15:15:17.819
Diorygma pruinosum (Eschw.) Kalb, Staiger & Elix, legitimate P.McCarthy (Comp.) (2018), Checklist of the Lichens of Australia and its Island Territories Cyclographina pruinosa (Eschw.) D.D.Awasthi, legitimate (1979) nomenclatural synonymPlatygrapha albovestita C.Knight, legitimate (1882) taxonomic synonymSchismatomma albovestitum (C.Knight) Zahlbr., legitimate (1923) taxonomic synonymPhlyctis tolgensis P.M.McCarthy & Elix, legitimate (2017) taxonomic synonym
ALC Dist.
Qld, NSW, Extra-Aust. 
Updated by rlawrence 2018-10-09 12:06:31.809
Diorygma rufopruinosum (A.W.Archer) Kalb, Staiger & Elix, legitimate P.McCarthy (Comp.) (2016), Checklist of the Lichens of Australia and its Island Territories Graphina rufopruinosa A.W.Archer, legitimate (2001) nomenclatural synonymGraphina boweniana A.W.Archer, legitimate (2001) taxonomic synonym
ALC Dist.
Qld, NI, Extra-Aust. 
ALC Dist.
ALC Dist.
Updated by rlawrence 2018-10-09 12:21:16.046
ALC Dist.

Modified (2)

Before (07/02/2019 12:09 pm) After (07/02/2019 12:28 pm)
Fungi / Ascomycota / Pezizomycotina / Lecanoromycetes / Ostropomycetidae / Ostropales / Graphidaceae / lojkana Fungi / Ascomycota / Pezizomycotina / Lecanoromycetes / Ostropomycetidae / Ostropales / Graphidaceae / Cyclographina / lojkana
Updated by rlawrence 2019-02-06 10:44:25.904
Cyclographina lojkana (Müll.Arg.) D.D.Awasthi & M.Joshi, legitimate P.McCarthy (Comp.) (2016), Checklist of the Lichens of Australia and its Island Territories Helminthocarpon lojkanum Müll.Arg., legitimate (1887) nomenclatural synonym Helminthocarpon baileyanum Müll.Arg., legitimate (1895) taxonomic synonym
Updated by rlawrence 2019-02-07 12:27:20.101
Cyclographina lojkana (Müll.Arg.) D.D.Awasthi & M.Joshi, legitimate P.McCarthy (Comp.) (2016), Checklist of the Lichens of Australia and its Island Territories Helminthocarpon lojkanum Müll.Arg., legitimate (1887) nomenclatural synonym Helminthocarpon baileyanum Müll.Arg., legitimate (1895) taxonomic synonym
ALC Dist.
ALC Dist.
Fungi / Ascomycota / Pezizomycotina / Lecanoromycetes / Ostropomycetidae / Ostropales / Graphidaceae / Diorygma Fungi / Ascomycota / Pezizomycotina / Lecanoromycetes / Ostropomycetidae / Ostropales / Graphidaceae / Diorygma
ALC Comment
P.McCarthy (2016) uses this taxon concept.
ALC Comment