
Validate ALC import

Synonyms that are also accepted names (1)

Accepted name Lecidea piperis var. melanocarpa is a doubtful taxonomic synonym of accepted name Malmidea piperis.
Lecidea piperis var. melanocarpa Müll.Arg., legitimate P.McCarthy (Comp.) (2016), Checklist of the Lichens of Australia and its Island Territories
Malmidea piperis (Spreng.) Kalb, Rivas-Plata & Lumbsch, legitimate P.McCarthy (Comp.) (2016), Checklist of the Lichens of Australia and its Island TerritoriesLecidea piperis (Spreng.) Nyl., legitimate (1869) nomenclatural synonymMalcolmiella piperis (Spreng.) Kalb & Lücking, legitimate (2000) nomenclatural synonymLecidea piperis var. melanocarpa Müll.Arg., legitimate (1884) doubtful taxonomic synonym
